Saturday, January 19, 2008

A day for the children . . .

Relay race with the kids

Lauren and Pastor Domingo helping serve a North American meal

Janeen and Erin Helping serve the meal


Unknown said...

Hey Lauren Hey Janeen! It's fabulous that you both have given of your own time and skills to help the less fortunate through AIM. I can't help but smile when I see the pics of the kids who look so happy to have you guys there. It reminds me of the kids I saw in China when I went on a STM for two weeks as a pharmacist on a medical team last year. The experience, however, is forever impressed on the heart so thumbs up to you both! Good luck with the drugs. I spent HOURS sorting through an amount smaller than what is shown in the pictures. :p and May God's spirit and peace be upon you through your duration in Africa. Though we haven't talked since 4th year really, I miss you both and remember the times we spent in prayer. Take care. Love, joni

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